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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I want to be zine

people tell me i should write a book.
i don't think i talk a lot, and i don't think i have much to say, so i don't know why they're suggesting that i wriht rather than talk to them, lol.

but, after hearing it so many times, i'm thinking i may be able to do it.

a zine!

i'm now researching zines, how to go about publishing, and printing, or if i want to just do it at home or kinkos or some place like that.
whether i want to sell them in my artfire shop...
and so on.

i have to say that too much thinking can overwhelm a person, so i'm going to see who else i can get to think for me.

do you create zines? have a blog about it or simply have input on it?

please share =-)


  1. I tagged you.. come check out my blog to see the details.

  2. well I came back hoping someone had left something about zines.. I have no clue what one is even... hmm only person who has told me to write a book was my mom.. but she thinks I am funny too... I do think most people think I talk too much though.

  3. a zine is a mini maga[zine]
    that is kinda self produced and published. =-)


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